Program by Deaf Litercy Initiative
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  • compare ticket sales to expected sales to see if more advertising is needed

  • compare data over timeExamplesPublic relations and communications workers consider changes in
    • how people are using the radio or the web to get messages
    • audience demographics

    Fundraisers identify the number of donations and the amount of donations they get over time.

  • determine how many people will attend an event so the right space is rented
  • determine how popular and successful an event will be
  • determine the number and length of articles and number of photographs to be used for reports

  • figure out invoice amounts and make sure the totals are right
  • compare services offered by different suppliers to find the best value
  • prepare a summary of projected costs and revenue
  • collect and analyze data to support key messages
  • figure out amounts

    • determine the cost to print brochures
    • determine how many brochures to take to an event
    • determine the amount of promotional materials to make or to take to an event
    • determine the amount of materials to create and take to sell
      • not having the right amount could lead to a loss in sales
      • having too much product is a loss of profit

  • create budgets for projects, events and communications plan
    • they need to track and adjust budgets to meet unexpected costs
  • develop, track and change project schedules that include
    • key activities
    • phases
    • roles
    • tasks
    • deadlines
      • schedules may be for short or long-term projects and involve different people