Program by Deaf Litercy Initiative
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Document Use

Public Relations and Communications Professionals

  • fill out entry forms


    • fill out evaluation forms to evaluate suppliers
    • fill out expense forms to get expenses covered
    • put data into database forms to note new contacts and supporters
  • read data in tables and lists


    • review conference and event attendee lists to see who is coming
    • read supplier, sub-contractor and media lists to find contact information
    • read to get statistics about their organization to put into communications materials
    • review donor lists to update
  • put data into tables

    ExamplesPublic relations and communications workers

    • track project schedules by putting information into calendars and timeline tables
    • put address and contact information into distribution lists

    Fundraisers put data into tables to track those they’ve contacted for donations

    • the methods used to contact them
    • the results
  • find data on formsExamplesPublic relations and communications workers
    • take survey answers and write a report showing the results
    • review consent forms to make sure they are signed
    • read incident report forms to get background information before sending out press releases

    Fundraisers find donor information and amounts donated.

Public Relations and Communications Professionals

  • get data from graphsExamples
    • get data from graphs produced by Statistics Canada to help show the needs their organizations fill
    • analyze graphs that show who donates to their organization
    • review graphs created by graphic artists to makes sure they are correct
    • examine graphs showing the expenses of the organization
    • examine graphs to find key messages to include in communications materials
  • review drawings, photographs, forms, images and draft layouts of information to be published to make sure they are correct, well done and appropriate

Entertainment agents

  • review signed contracts to make sure they are complete

Public Relations and Communications Professionals

  • make drawings


    • draw room layouts to show where tables, chairs, food and press areas should be
    • draw layouts for brochures, newsletters, web pages and posters to guide graphic artists and web technicians
  • create lists and tables to organize dataExamplesEntertainment agents put tour information into tables to keep track of concert dates, time, locations and capacity.

    Public relations and communications professionals organize information about

    • communication plans
    • budgets
    • training agendas
    • media contacts
    • event participants in lists
  • create graphs to show data

    ExamplesPublic relations and communications workers show the results of surveys using bar and circle graphs.

    Fundraisers record poverty stats to show the need for donations.

Entertainment agents

  • review draft CD covers and posters for artists