Program by Deaf Litercy Initiative
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Public Relations and Communication Professionals

  • respond to questions from the general public and clients about activities and services

Public Relations and Communication Professionals

  • direct and train those they supervise and co-workers so they are able to meet the communications objectives

Public Relations and Communication Professionals

  • represent their organization at public events and meetings
  • use questions to get the most information from those being interviewed for stories or articles
  • decide tasks and terms with service providersExamples
    • ask a photographer to use different photographs to better meet the need
    • discuss site features to select venues for events
    • negotiate contracts, terms and deadlines with writers, designers and printers
  • present and discuss project objectives, plans, approaches and status to co-workers, supervisors and clients
  • work with teams and be responsible for leading those teams
  • work with those from other organizations to plan joint projects or events
  • present draft options, ask for opinions and convince team members that an approach will be successful
  • share strategies to deal with difficult topics with the media
  • present ideas to make communications plans work better
  • call potential donors, members, the public and the media to convince them the cause is good
  • describe the organization, value and purpose of projects to get support
  • answer questions from the media in person, through email and television interviews

Their answers must be clear, to the point and able to convince the audience to get good results.

They may give information that leads to negative media coverage. In these cases they must carefully respond to questions. They want to appear co-operative but avoid any content that might lead to more issues.

Public Relations and Communication Professionals

  • train others on how to handle the mediaExample
    • review potential questions and challenges
    • give direction on how to deliver key messages

Public Relations and Communication Professionals communicate

  • in person
  • using a TTY, videophone, blackberry, or email

In communities where both French and English are used Public Relations and Communication Professionals may be required to

  • read and write in both languages
  • translate short materials
  • review and analyze translated materials to make sure it is correctly done
  • know both official languages