Program by Deaf Litercy Initiative
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College and Other Vocational Workers

  • discuss prices, products and delivery times with suppliers

College and Other Vocational Workers

  • discuss ongoing work with co-workers and supervisors


    • discuss class schedules with other instructors
    • meet supervisors and administrators to make sure everyone knows what they are to do with assignments
    • understands new policies such as program management

College and Other Vocational Workers

  • discuss ways to approach teaching with co-workers and supervisors
  • chair meetings and make presentations
  • mentor, coach and counsel students

College and Other Vocational Workers

  • instruct students in their areas of expertise


    • explain course objectives, assignments and participation expectations present theory
    • ask questions of students and get them involved in discussions and activities
    • challenge students’ viewpoints and ideas to help them learn more
    • change how they teach so that all students are interested and learn

College and Other Vocational Workers

  • in person
  • using a TTY, videophone, blackberry, or email