Program by Deaf Litercy Initiative
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Instructors and Teachers of Persons with Disabilities

  • communicate with clients and their families about behaviour and learning plans

    • do intake interviews with clients and their parents or guardian
    • discuss learning goals and activities with clients often
    • lead family talks on social behaviour, problem solving techniques and ways of supporting visually impaired individuals
  • communicate with co-workers and supervisors about clients, learning programs and teaching methods
  • advocate for clients and educational programs in their communities

Instructors and Teachers of Persons with Disabilities

  • comfort and counsel clients
  • work with clients one-on-one and in small groups

Instructors and Teachers of Persons with Disabilities communicate

  • in person
  • using a TTY, webcam, videophone, blackberry or email
  • using specialized communications signals

Instructors of Deaf and hard of hearing may be required to use American Sign Language or Langue Signes Quebec.