Program by Deaf Litercy Initiative
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  • book or rebook appointments with clients
  • compare specific situations to the guidelines


    • a welfare and compensation officer compares a client’s net income to guidelines to see if the client is eligible for financial help
  • estimate amount of time needed for appointments with clients


    • consider clients’ needs and average length of time of previous appointments
  • estimate amounts of time required for working with clients


    • figure out the need of a program
    • project the demand for services using statistics

  • figure out expensesExample
    • figure out the amount of money they should receive for using personal vehicles and purchasing program supplies
  • manage petty cash accounts
    • record petty cash amounts and compare purchase records with receipts
      • complete summaries
      • figure out amounts for new petty cash deposits
      • figure out subsidies for individuals and households
  • determine a client’s rental costs for subsidized housing as thirty percent of his total income
  • determine a client’s total medical costs to apply for health care subsidies
  • create and track small budgets
  • put together data and develop statistics to describe social programs


    • meals-on-wheels worker may count the number of meals delivered monthly and record them by type of meal and whom they served

  • make household budgets and basic financial statements to help clients
    • manage their personal finances
    • apply for social benefits


    • help a client to file income taxes
    • help a client make a statement of income and expenses to apply for medical benefits
  • analyze program data to plan new programs


    • report feedback from a workshop
    • analyze the results of the feedback to improve future workshops