Program by Deaf Litercy Initiative
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Computer Programmers

  • communicate directly with clients to find the sources of errors
  • attend meetings with clients to
    • get information to clarify project specifications
    • make suggestions
    • learn system needs

Computer Programmers

  • attend meetings with co-workers to share information about the development of web pages or software application projects


    • discuss client’s and project needs with design team
    • communicate with members of system integration teams about problems applications and systems
    • communicate with database analysts to understand how data can be taken and changed to fit tables
    • share information with graphic designers so they can change the timing of their work to fit within the project
  • present proposals to small groups of clients when offering services for web programming projects
  • communicate with internet service providers when setting up the management of web sites on their servers or when troubleshooting to identify the source of a computer problem

Computer Programmers communicate

  • in person
  • using a TTY, videophone, webcam, blackberry or email

Computer programmers in communities that use both French and English may need to know both official languages.